Wanted: loving caretaker of stuff I no longer need

This was the “before” picture for a client I worked with in July. Yes, the Christmas tree is still up.

So we’ve all heard of Craigslist, Ebay, Freecycle, Goodwill, and consignment stores but I’d like to show you a new way to sell the stuff that you’ve eliminated from your home or, better yet, “how my stuff can find a good home.” One of the biggest obstacles people have to shedding the extraneous “junk” from their lives is the feeling of guilt associated with letting it go. Hoarders especially will experience panic attacks that their gazillion thing aren’t being properly cared for or won’t be appreciated by anyone else. There is guilt associated with acknowledgng that you need to let go of something that might have cost you a lot of money or was given to you by a friend or family member. My very sweet and admirable grandmother at 94 won’t let a plate, bowl, or scarf leave her already crowded home unless it is going to be loved and appreciated by someone. I think we can all relate to wanting other people to share in the joy a previously owned object brings us (see post here on the 3 lives of a wedding dress) but remember it is just stuff. The stuff doesn’t define who you are; your experiences and how you choose to live your life does.

So here is another way you can let your stuff go that might make parting more sweet with less sorrow: http://www.shook.co. This is a site that allows you to buy and sell to your community of friends on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter with ease and confidence that it will be seen. You can post your stuff easily or even just look at other stuff that is listed and share it with friends that might also like it, or maybe you just want to let them know what you’d like for your birthday. Shook.co also blogs about some of the objects posted to further explain or describe some of the objets d’art. I will say that I have not used this site personally but I plan to in the future. This is not a paid post but I just think it is a great idea and a little less intimidating than going through the lengthy Ebay posting process.

Let me know if you’ve heard of Shook.co or used them recently. Also, what do you think is the best way to get rid of stuff you’ve accumulated but want to find a happy home in which to place it?

Happy organizing!

Neatsmart has been updated

Neatsmart.com  just got updated with a Services page! Look at all of the cool services Neatsmart can provide for you to improve your life and make it a little less cluttered. While you’re at it, why not like Neatsmart on Facebook or choose to follow Neatsmart? We’d love to have your  company.

Have a great rest of your July 4th week! How many of you read the Declaration of Independence yesterday?